Friday, February 24, 2012

Final wrap-up of the Philippines charity effort.

It looks like we've done what we can for now with our efforts to aid survivors of the floods in the Philippines that occurred last year.  If you're new to the story, I'll sum it up here for you and you might look through this blog for detailed entries.
In December, I received word of a new subscriber to my YouTube channel--Senator Richard Gordon from the Philippines, who is also the chairman of the Philippines Red Cross.  Just a few days later, I learned of the disastrous and deadly flooding happening there.  These two events inspired me to launch an effort with the Exist Kind name on it to help survivors.  An acquaintance of mine is from the Philippines and I decided I should contact him for input and perhaps assistance with this idea.  Since he and I met while we were working for an Episcopal church, I then realized that a fundraising effort might do very well if it had the support and endorsement of the Episcopal Church.  During a New Year's visit to Phoenix, I stopped by the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona to see if the bishop might consider endorsing the project.  I was not able to meet with him personally, but my visit to the cathedral reminded me of the time years ago when I contacted another bishop to ask for a monetary donation to the organization I was volunteering with.  I realized that perhaps I should just take a direct approach and contact the bishops from all fifty United States.  I sent letters to one bishop from each state to request that they send a donation straight to the Philippines Red Cross for the flood effort and I requested that they simply mention that they were sent by Exist Kind.  I received a few responses in the subsequent couple of weeks, and that is where the project has left off.

I'm planning on bringing in a local Episcopal minister to broker the donations for a future effort.  I'd like to take this approach for any humanitarian crisis that may arise.  We don't yet have a way to keep track of donations and where they're coming from, but the idea is more to tap the bishops on the shoulder and urge them to donate to these causes.  Because of this shift towards a broader focus, I of course will not be referring to it as the Philippines flood effort but rather, something else that we generate in the future.  Whatever it gets named, it will refer to Exist Kind, the Episcopal Church, and relief efforts.  It will occur approximately once per year and only seek out modest donations from each diocese.

So that's the story of this project to date.  Thanks for reading and following along, and I'm looking forward to sharing upcoming Exist Kind projects along these lines.

List of pet PSA video links.

Hello, my friends, I'd like to introduce you to the dogs and cats who are featured on my YouTube channel thanks to the efforts of FAIR.  We are just starting to promote these videos through flyers and social media and I invite you to be among the first people to see them.  Here are the links:

Meet beautiful Bluebell

Ma Petite Chienne! (My little dog!)

Iyonna and Izzie

Carlton, a Great Dog at FAIR

"Boo-Boo", a Bait Dog Fostered by FAIR

Meet FAIR's "Tinkerbell"

Help to Sponsor FAIR's "Charlie"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Revisiting FAIR.

Another thing I'm working on as I return to business is promoting those PSAs I shot in Studio A with the help of FAIR.  Beth and I designed a couple of initial drafts of flyers that I want to distribute to call attention to the organization and once we get the approval from FAIR, I'll post digital versions of them.  They include pictures of the dogs and cats from the taping and contact information.  Stand by for these.

(Remember Bluebell, the husky mix with one blue eye?)

Emerging from the uproar, and other updates.

If you didn't see this on Facebook, here's why I've been out of the loop this month:

"Hello, supporters of Exist Kind: I want to acknowledge all delays and lack of communication on my part and apologize sincerely for it. In the last few weeks, my role of caregiver has been brought to the forefront. Recently, I was given some real property in exchange for supervising my very elderly parents (ages 82 and 97). My mother recently fell very ill and I have had to tend to her in addition to my usual duties to my father. I've been running her around to the emergency room and calling ambulances as she deals with both recovery from a blood clot and working her way through pneumonia. All of this has led to a significant transition in the household and my assuming of greater permanent responsibility for all household functions. So, my outreach and video production efforts have been on hold as I figuratively put out many different fires. I expect the bulk of this transitioning to be done by the end of the month, so I'll be at full power by then. Thanks so much for your time and energy towards Exist Kind!"

So that's why I've been away from the blog and staying low-key on everything else.  However, by the time you're reading this, progress is slowly but surely underway.  I'm currently balancing the life transitions with my usual Exist Kind work.  As a result, I can share some new things with you.

I've decided to actively look for an Episcopal minister who would be willing to act as a liaison between donating dioceses and beneficiaries for upcoming charitable efforts.  I have someone in mind with whom I'd like to talk first, and I'll look to others if necessary.

This Saturday the 25th is the annual Peace Fair here in Tucson, if you're not familiar with it, which is sponsored by the Tucson Peace Center.  Beth and I always look forward to attending and we always get to talk with interesting people, pick up good literature, and hear good music.  We're planning to attend Saturday if no more emergencies or problems prevent us.  Look for me in my yellow Exist Kind t-shirt with a redhead at my side.

I have more to tell you, but I'd like to put it in a separate post, so stand by.  Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Responses are coming in!

We've gotten our first couple of letters back from our big mailing!  Pictured here is the one from Albuquerque.  The process appears to involve an executive assistant who screens requests like ours and then passes them along to the bishop at their discretion.  We saw this in action in a slightly different manner when we visited the Diocese of Arizona, as I mentioned in that previous blog entry.  Keep your fingers crossed so that we pass muster with the other bishops, and stay tuned.  I hadn't planned on posting updates because we didn't design a system for tracking donations this time, since they're supposed to go directly from the dioceses to the Red Cross.  But, recall that I did ask the bishops to mention Exist Kind to the Red Cross if they donated, so I hope to get wind of a few donations to share with you here.