It was very important to me to bring the dog to a rescue organization and not Pima Animal Care Center so that he would have a better chance of survival. In order for him to be taken in by a rescue group, though, he had to be evaluated by a veterinarian. Jennifer from the Foundation for Animals in Risk (FAIR) saw my ad on Craig's List and called me to offer assistance. She ended up arranging for him to be seen at Acacia and stay in their care until she could find a home for him. I also heard from a lady named Lisa, who offered to help me bring the dog to Acacia and even wants to help raise money towards his medical expenses. She's an animal lover who likes to help out where she can with rescue efforts. Overall, I received a very strong response from quite a few people who were concerned for the plight of this little dog, and I'm very thankful for all of the suggestions and offers of help.
Below are some pictures I took so that you can see what the little guy looked like.
This is him inside the lean-to I set up in the front yard.
Outside in the sun of the front yard.
Nestled into a tote in preparation for transport to the hospital.
Relaxing in the veterinarian's office because help is on the way!
Relaxing in the veterinarian's office because help is on the way!
Later I'll post some reference information in case you ever find yourself faced with an unwell pet who still has a chance for survival but needs urgent help.
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